Tuesday 29 July 2014

Tower Building Challenge

Today Room 1 did a tower building challenge for our Kidsedchatnz session on Thursday. We had lots of fun and a bit of mischief as we learnt heaps about teamwork. We can't wait to take part in the twitter session on Thursday.

This a a video that Iley took using a iMotion a timelapse photography app.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

NZ Geography - Kahoot

Room 1 has started term 3 with a hiss and a roar as they have thrown themselves into quizzes about NZ geography as we attempt to learn more about our country.

Each day we have been doing a quiz about NZ where we can show what we know about NZ and find out how much more there is to learn.

If you want to have a go at our first quiz click on this link or you can try either of our second or third quizzes. All you'll need is a second device to answer the questions on while the quiz questions come up on a first device.

Friday 4 July 2014

Final Kidsedchatnz Chat for Term 2

This term lots of room 1 children have taken part in the Kidsedchatnz sessions. Our class uses twitter to talk with other kids all around NZ.

The slideshow is a collection of some of the best tweets that we sent during our final chat session.

Well done to Kaleb who took part for the first time and sent several tweets all by himself.